Thursday, 15 December 2011

Knowledge Management Update 7

Please take note of the following new and updated help documents now available at

December 2011


    New bbsettings added to the BBsettings list: 

    • bbsetting_postcode_limit_per_hour = Set a limit for the number of postcode lookups per IP address per hour. BB2.0 has a default limit of 3. To remove the limit altogether set this to '0'.
    • bbsetting_postcode_force_lookups_in_forms = Binary(1/0); To set all 'zipcode' form fields to automatically become postcode lookups, set to 1.
    • bbsetting_item_data_qty_blank_in_forms = Binary(1/0); sets the qty field in financial docs to 'blank' as opposed to zero or 1 if setting set to 1. 

      Monday, 5 December 2011

      Knowledge Management Update 6

      Please take note of the following new and updated help documents now available at

      December 2011


      New bbsettings added to the BBsettings list: 

      • bbsetting_module_background_color: RGB Value or colour name (#0000FF/ blue); if set this will throw a background behind all the pages/forms for the specific module. This allows you to colour-code your various modules so that people don't get confused when working/moving between them.
      • bbsetting_required_fields_combinations: array(); this is similar to bbsetting_required_fields only that it is made of sub-arrays of field names and checks to see if the combination of fields has been set, so if any of the fields has been set then the others are required.
      • bbsetting_enable_password_length: the number of characters required for system user passwords. The system default for minimum password length is set to '5' characters.
      • bbsetting_enable_password_alphanumeric: Binary(1/0); force combined alpha/numeric passwords by setting to '1'.
      • bbsetting_enable_force_password_change_in_day: the number of days after which users' passwords must be reset.