Monday, 30 July 2012

KM Update 11: Table Audits & Custom Fields

Please take note of the following new and updated help documents now available in the Bluebox Knowledge Base.

July 2012

Let's imagine you have effectively set-up permissions in BB2.0 so that all users only have access to the areas of the system most appropriate to their individual roles and responsibilities. There may well still be an urgent need to track the changes each of those users make to system tables in order to gain an added level of accountability that goes beyond these permission based user groups and accounts. The help articles included in this  month's KM release outline how any table within your BB2.0 system can be enabled for audit tracking, and how to discover exactly which user made which changes to those modules at any given date and time. This allows the ability to trace how any table came to change over time and which users contributed to each of those changes along the way.

Another highlight of this month's release includes an article on how to easily create and make use of custom fields for any of the BB2.0 tables. This allows an enormous amount of flexibility to accommodate those cases where unique information peculiar to your organisation is required to be captured for any module (e.g. 'Favourite Colour' for 'bb_users' form).

Finally, we cover the broken charts issue users have encountered upon updating to PHP3.5, and how to setup your SMS gateway in BB2.0

Latest Articles

    Thursday, 12 April 2012

    KM Update 10: Homeboxes & Viewlists

    Please take note of the following new and updated help documents now available in the Bluebox Knowledge Base.

    April 2012

    This month's articles focus on an incredibly useful section of the system, namely 'Home boxes' and how to build a home dashboard for users that allows them to access the most relevant and important aspects of their system off one neatly organized home page, sorted into different sections or home boxes. 

    Homeboxes can include static links to particular system sections (e.g. a link to create a new invoice or sales order), or dynamically list system related data with the use of custom viewlists (e.g. list all content items within a specific content category, or list all sales orders within a specific period). It is important to appreciate that no matter what modules or sections a user deals with in the BB2 system, a home box (or home boxes) can be created to capture all information and links pertinent to that user's area of work.

    Articles have also been added to help provide an overview to viewlists and their basic components. Examples show how custom viewlists can be created and incorporated into homeboxes to achieve a home dashboard that offers users links and information to sections they work with.

    Latest Articles

    Publishing Module: Homeboxes

      Monday, 5 March 2012

      Knowledge Management Update 9

      Please take note of the following new and updated help documents now available in the Bluebox Knowledge Base.

      February 2012

      The focus of this week's update is primarily on our Surveys module, as well as our eLearning module. New articles have been added which cover all of the basic actions users must perform in order to setup these modules.

      Data Administrators and developers will also be pleased to take note of the new tool that helps remove duplicate database records, as well as a new article that outlines how to seamlessly link Excel files with BB2.


      Data Administration:

      Publishing: Surveys Module:

        HR: eLearning Module:


            Thursday, 2 February 2012

            Knowledge Management Update 8

            Please take note of the following new and updated help documents now available in the Bluebox Knowledge Base.

            January 2012

            The focus of this week's update is mainly on our Point of Sale Module, as well as our Human Resources Module. All of the common actions performed as a till operator have been updated and clearly detailed in our EPOS section. On the HR side, articles detailing the exact steps to follow in order to setup your Bluebox Payroll system have now been added.

            Finally, a general system administration article has been added that explains how you to control the behaviour of the required transaction dates in Bleubox 2.0


            System Administration

            Point of Sale (EPOS)

            HR: Staff

            HR: Payroll

            Point of Sale (EPOS)